Wednesday, April 21, 2010

All things French

I have never been to France but my brother lives there. He is marrying a "French" woman, (lets call her B) although her real "Frenchness" has come into question and I do have some concerns.

I've studied art and the great French masters at university so clearly I'm an expert. Many things that I and a great number of other knowledgeable people associate with France, my soon-to-be sister in law claims to have little knowledge nor association with. For instance:
  • She claims no one dresses like this:
Ok, I'll let B slide on that one. Considering the look is very dated, the beret is kind of cliche and I imagine the horizontal striped attire does not suit all figures (especially those who like to indulge the baguettes, cheese and wine on a daily basis). However, the facial hair is a reasonable possibility for both genders over 50, especially those Mediterranean types that like to sneak across the border.

  • B said "Yoplait" is not French for "yum", it is in fact French for nothing at all. Lies!

  • She also claims this band is not French but BELGIAN:

The Plastic Bertrand Band - Undeniably ridiculous and French-sounding.

  • Perhaps most shockingly of all, B has practically no interest and utmost repulsion for France's only known actor, Gérard Depardieu:

The jury is still out on B.


  1. I bet she doesn't even own a bike..or look like a frog.

  2. She will kill me, but apparently her nick name was "grenouille" :P
