Last night I went to the Pompidou Center featuring the main modern art gallery of Paris and it was awesome!!! Faith restored!!!

The building is quite unique and looks unfinished and is massive. I got through 2 huge and amazing exhibs of their permanent collection (after a few hours if I view too much art at once, I get serious "artburn" and can't focus properly on the works, it's art overload).
I got really excited recognising many of the artists who I had studied at school and university but had never seen their works in real life, like Orlan, Nikki De Sant Phalle, Rachel Whiteread and Eva Hesse amongst others.

(the rooftop sculpture area)
And also it was great to see the famous fountain outside by Igor Stravinsky (prob spelt that wrong) and Nikki De Sant Phalle but it kinda looks a bit like a sad post dia de muertos party...
Today, super tourist strikes again
at Pere Lachaise:

Jim morrison... looking pretty shabby

Edith Piaf

Oscar Wilde's bizarre looking "tomb" I guess.... And gay men everywhere prob did those kisses.
Oh my, a few years ago I dragged my Nemo plushie to the cemetery to take pictures of the tombs with it. What a marvellous photo project... some guys working at the cemetery were looking at me and my friend and how we placed our plushies on the grave of Edith Piaf, laughing (they did, we were silly as always). And all of the cats strolling around were fun to watch, too.