Unknown pointy stick:

Alexander III bridge:

Musee D'orsay, which I finally got to see (after 5minslatedoorshutinfacegate) is HUGE!


"....more idiots"

It's not easy being green...and pink:

Photos by everyone...!
The Excruciating Minutia Of My Adventures
Heya mate, loving the pics! You're totally stoking my wanderlust right now... I decided to turn down the transfer to Tel Aviv because let's face it, spending the next four years doing a job you hate is not really a clever move, no matter where in the world you are. So I'm working until next April then taking the rest of the year off to travel Africa and the bits of Europe I didn't see last time. Yay! Can't wait! Keep the pics coming so I can keep extending my list of places that I want to visit....
Wow, good for you H!!! That's the life Id like to always be able to lead!!! Damn wish it was this year, we couldve sought out the unknown together. I'm heading to north Africa next month, should be interesting. Thanks for your compliments :)